We are indebted to the family of Dr Joseph Bayley who was the club's CMO for some years post WW2 and who provided us with the unique, rare and valuable bound volumes of programmes from the Brooklands years reproduced here and for quotes from his book which although no longer in print can still be found in cyber space. The Vintage Years at Brooklands ISBN 10: 0900404000. A short précis of Dr Bayley can be found in our People section HERE
If you have a programme which we do not have in our database and would be willing to loan it for scanning please get in contact programmes@bemseearchives.co.uk
Duplicate programmes; There are a number of duplicates in our storage archives, the majority of these are in "As New" condition, they would make an ideal birthday gift for someone who raced back in the day, if you wanted to purchase one of these the price is £10 inc P+P all monies go to the Bemsee Ben Fund that assists injured riders, if you found one you wanted email programmes@bemseeachives.co.uk The list of duplicate programmes can be found here
The programmes listed in database are copyright of BMCRC and should not be reproduced else where.